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ICT Solutions 13 Jun 2022, 19:47:15
Category : JavaScript Tutorials

splice (JavaScript Array Method)

const tnwNames = ["Hla", "Mya", "Soe", "Moe", "Noe"];

function tnwFun1(){
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = tnwNames.join(", ");

function tnwFun2(){
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "The original array is :
" + tnwNames.join(", ");
let result = tnwNames.splice(2, 2, "Aung", "Kyaw", "Tun");
document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = "The removed elements are :
" + result.join(", ");
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = "The new array is :
" + tnwNames.join(", ");


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