Do You NeedThe Best ICT Solutions?

TNW provides the best ICT Solutions for your business by the reasonable price. TNW will solve all of your problems related with IT within a short period of time.


Computer Service


TNW provides the best Comuter Service for Your Business by the reasonable price.

Networking Service


TNW provides the best Networking Service for your business by the reasonable price.

Business Email Service


TNW provides the best Business Email Service for your business by the reasonable price.

WEB Development Service


TNW provides the best WEB Development Service for your business by the reasonable price.

Do you have any inquiry?


Do You Need POS System

For Your Business?

TNW provides web based or cloud based POS System for your business by the reasonable price. You can also use it in your local network.

Do You Need Online Shop Website

For Your Business?

TNW provides the best ICT Solutions for your business by the reasonable price. TNW will solve all of your problems related with IT within a short period of time.

online shop

Frequently Asked Questions

Does TNW provide home service?

Yes, TNW provides home service

Can I make only one business email account?

Yes, you can order the eamil accounts as much as you want starting form at least one account.

What is the difference between static website and dynamic websites?

In static website, it is not easy to add contents to your website by yourslef if you do not have the web Knowledge such as html and css. In dynamic website, you do not need to have any web knowledge to add the contents to your website. It is just like adding posts in social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

Is the price negotiable?

Yes, all the prices are negotiable.

What kind of WEB Service does TNW provide?

TNW develops from the personnel website to the e-commerce website for your business. TNW also provides virtual private server service.

What kinds of websites does TNW develop for customers?

TNW develops both kinds of static and dynamic websites for the customers. It is depended on the customers' requirements.

Available Services
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