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ICT Solutions 2019-01-30 16:54:42
Category : php tutorials

Wordcensoring in php

From the following example, you can learn the usage of form, textarea, isset, strtolower and str_replace. Every word 'love' you type in the text box, the codes will change with the word 'hate'.

$find = 'love';
$replace = 'hate';
if(isset($_POST['user_input']) && !empty($_POST['user_input'])){
   $user_input = strtolower($_POST['user_input']);
   $user_input_new = str_replace($find, $replace, $user_input);
   echo $user_input_new.'</br>';
  echo 'Please fill in the text box!';

<form action = "wordcensoring.php" method = "POST">
<textarea name = "user_input" cols = "40" widths = "500"></textarea></br></br>
<input type = "submit" value = "Submit">


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